Rajinder Johar on Asar with Aamir

The latest vocational training being imparted at FOD's Rehab Centre is the production of a very unique product- Newspaper Pencils. This is launched with two-pronged approach:
1) to help disabled people earn a respectable living and
2) to save environment by recycling of newspapers and reducing further cutting of trees.
According to a study published in The Hindu, over 2500 pencils can be created from a single tree and to produce 15 to 20 billion pencils every year over 4 lakh trees are cut. These statistics indeed become terrifying when one thinks about how a simple writing instrument can have a long lasting impact on the environment.
These newspaper pencils are as sturdy and sharpens as smoothly as their wooden counterparts.
Hence, the use of newspaper pencil bestows the following benefits:
- Eco Friendly: Neither made from wood nor from any other paper
- Recycled: Made from newspapers already in existence in the environment
- Unique item: For gifting purposes as well as to make a statement to your stakeholders
- Customisation: Can be easily customised with no added cost on a minimum order of 1000 pencils.
- Livelihood for the disabled people: A source of income for the people with disabilities who are producing these pencils.