Rajinder Johar on Asar with Aamir
Photo Gallery

My Inspiration

Arveend Budhsingh showing his painting to Jamuna Krishnan.

Nitin receiving award on Dad's behalf

Photograph of Ms. Preeti J Basra receiving the award

Madhuri, a hearing impaired trainee being instructed by Naresh Basra

Excursion and Outing

Outing and Excursion

Outing and Excursion

An artist on wheelchair looking at the exhibits at Beyond Limits 2012 at Arpana Art Gallery, New Delhi

Deepak, a trainee with amputation of left lower limb, at the workshop

School children visiting FOD

School children visiting FOD

Rajesh Maheshwari, participating artist at Beyond Limits 2012 discussing his painitng with the chief guest, Mr Rajeev Lochan

With A.R. Rehman, 2004

In a mall in east Delhi, where our artists painted tricolour on faces of enthusiast citizens on 15 th august 2012


Handmade dolls, HBS1, HBS2


Aids And Appliances

Apna Rozgar Scheme