Rajinder Johar on Asar with Aamir
Where there is a will there is a way - Anil Kumar Verma
Anil Kumar Verma, a 33 year-old man, with Post Polio Residual Paralysis both lower limbs(80%). He has been running a shop in his house for mobile repair & rechargefor the last 12 year but was able to earn only Rs. 6000/- in a month.
It was very difficult for him to meet the expenditure of his family with this meagre income he wanted to expand his business but due paucity of funds, he could not do that. When he came to know about ARS Scheme of FOD, where he could get interest free loan for expansion of his business, he took the loan from FOD of Rs. 6000/-. He started the work of mobile lead, charger & repairing.
It was very difficult for him to meet the expenditure of his family with this meagre income he wanted to expand his business but due paucity of funds, he could not do that. When he came to know about ARS Scheme of FOD, where he could get interest free loan for expansion of his business, he took the loan from FOD of Rs. 6000/-. He started the work of mobile lead, charger & repairing.

A number of people come to him to copy songs in there mobiles and also for photocopy there documents. So after taking loan from FOD, he has now purchased a computer worth Rs. 7000/- & a small photocopier worth Rs. 3000/-. After venturing into these items, he has started earning Rs. 15000/-pm i.e., his monthly income has increased 2.5 times in a period of only 6 months which has improved his financial condition considerably and is definitely a very encouraging.